Flare3D FLSL Post Effect demo "Swirl Effect"

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Swirl Effect

Post Processing Effects in stage3d made by Flare3D shading language.


  • Click on the photo to next image.
  • Rotational strength changes according to the time which is clicking the mouse.
  • Animation easing and the speed changes randomly.




  • created at 2013.01.11

FLSL code

use namespace flare;
use namespace flare.transforms;
use namespace flare.filters;

param SIN_TIME stime;
param COS_TIME ctime;
param TIME time;
param MOUSE mouse;
input UV0 uv;
interpolated float2 iUV = uv;

// swirl effect parameters
const float radius = 400;

// arguments from AS
sampler2D texture;
sampler2D texture2;
param float input_sin = 0;
param float input_theta = 0;
param float input_power = 40;

 * Swirl Effect
float4 postFX(sampler2D tex, float2 _uv)
	// calculate distance from center
	float2 center = float2(mouse.x, mouse.y);
	float2 texSize = float2(800, 530);
	float2 tc = _uv * texSize;
	tc -= center;
	float dist = length(tc);

	// move color
	#if( dist < radius)
		float percent = (radius - dist) / radius;
		float theta = percent * percent * input_power * input_sin;
		float s = sin(theta);
		float c = cos(theta);
		tc = float2(dot(tc, float2(c, -s)), dot(tc, float2(s, c)));
	tc += center;
	// return only one color
	//float3 color = sampler2D(tex, tc/texSize).rgb;
	// return mix color
	float4 ratio = input_theta/PI;
	float4 color = sampler2D(texture, tc/texSize);
	float4 color2 = sampler2D(texture2, tc/texSize);
	float4 color3 = color*(1-ratio) + color2 * ratio;
	return color3;

 * main
technique main
	float2 uvs = float2(iUV.x, iUV.y);
	output vertex = transform();
	output fragment = postFX(texture, uvs);

enjoy shader life!